After 2 Years of Visiting Pharmacies, Hospitals, Receiving Series Of Injections & Ingesting Antibiotics Without Results, Let Me Show You…

The Ancient Indian Natural Formula That Completely Flushes Out PID, Staph & All Types Of Sexually Transmitted Infection Without Returning Back Again

In Just About 60 Days Of Using This Ancient Indian Natural Formula… I Was Able to Fight Against PID, Staphylococcus & Other UTIs’ infections, Completely Stop Abdominal  Pains & Dark, Thick Blood Flow During Menstruation, Dry Up The Whitish Discharge From My Vagina & Stopped My Continous Vagina Itching

Today, I Am A Happy Mother, A Blessed Wife & I Feel Healthier Than Ever Before

The Good News Is, You Too Can Be Free From PID & Any Type Of Infection If You Use This Exact Natural Solution Just The Way I Am Going to Show You…

And In A Few Weeks You Will Experience:

You’ll Experience the Same Results that Over 426 Nigerians Who Have Used This Ancient Plant-Based Formula to Successfully Treat their Stubborn, Returning Infection Are Already Getting

For Instance…

Madam Adaeze Was Able To Put An End To PID & Experience Her Monthly Flow Without Dark, Thick Blood For The First Time in 6 Years

Also, Mrs. Gbenro Used This Ancient Plant-Based Formula to Flush Out Chlamydia and Normalise Her Monthly Flow Within 2 Months

Then, Here’s Mr Okeke Who Was Able To Boost His Sperm Count & Get His Wife Pregnant After Using This Plant-Based Formula In 2 Months

In A Few Minutes I Will Reveal The Full Details of This Indian Natural Infection Terminator Formula, But First, Just Allow Me to Tell You my Own Story With Stubborn Recurring Infection

Dear Friend,

My name is Angela, a mother &  a school teacher living in Warri. 2020 is a year I will never forget in a hurry in my life, because it was a year that drained my family emotionally, spiritually & financially – here’s how it started..

My husband woke up that fateful morning and discovered he had a milkish discharge from his private part, prior to that he had started complaining of pains when urinating but he thought it was going to stop until he saw the discharge

According to him, urinating now becomes something I get worried of, the last drop of urine makes me uncomfortable for more than 30 minutes’

The case was not only for my husband as i also started experiencing itching & vaginal discharge days after my husband experienced the first milkish coloured discharge

Everything hit us like a shock so we didn’t know what to do but to immediately go for a lab test

Lo & behold…

The result showed that I and my husband had been infected with staphylococcus, so we went straight to a big pharmacist, made some enquiries and were given some antibiotics drugs

We started using it morning & night, and we used it for about 8 days

But guess what…

We didn’t stop experiencing the same symptoms of painful urination, early morning milkish discharge, painful sex life etc. So we decided to stop the medication & go to a hospital & see a doctor 

After a series of tests, both of us were diagnosed with Staphylococcus Infection (Staph) – same as the result from the lab. But this time, the doctor recommended a more highly powerful antibiotics for us. We used them as instructed

And after the first 3 days the symptoms reduced, we continued using them straight, until 7 days. After 2 weeks, we did another sets of urethral and vaginal swab test as advised. 

Guess what the result was… It came out scanty

Just A Few Weeks Later, The Symptoms Came Back Heavier Than It Was Before

So, we knew that the staph infection was still very much in our body system! 

But wait…

Are you thinking what I am thinking? 

Exactly – Why Didn’t the Antibiotics work? That was the same question I asked my husband

That was how I started my personal research on the internet – And soon I was able to discover the truth…

The Simple Truth Is That…

Bacterial, Viral & Fungal Infections like staphylococcus, gonorrhoea, syphilis, Chlamydia etc. overtime, after series of antibiotic treatment become resistant to antibiotics. 

That means, common highly powerful antibiotics will not have much effect on the bacteria and microbes that cause infections after continuous usage of these antibiotics.

And to make it even worse..

When you continue using these antibiotics and you are not getting a positive effect from it, you are putting yourself at an increased risk of getting more infections that resists antibiotic treatment like – MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus).

Here Is How A Medical Checkup Visit Started The Journey To My Freedom From Stubborn, Recurring Infection

In my quest to find a lasting solution, I stumbled on my secondary school friend one of the days i went for check up at the Delta State University Teaching Hospital, she studied in India and was now a consultant in Delta State University Teaching Hospital


Upon meeting her at the hospital that day, I explained how the staph infection has affected my marriage, destroyed our immune system, affected our health and also affected my fertility. She recommended this ‘Viral Cleanse Terminator’ that helped cure the long recurring infection for both myself & my husband. 

Honestly, I was in doubt when she first referred the product  to me, because we had used even more expensive products but nothing seemed to work. While I was still in doubt & asking her plenty of questions – she opened up & told me that the product has even helped some of her patients with other stubborn infections like Syphilis, Gonorrhea and others.

Here Is The ‘Brain Box’ Behind This Ancient Herbal Formular

She went on to let me know about the Research Doctor that found this Ancient formular – His name is Dr Nageshwar Reddy. See a picture of him below:

According to her, the 2 biggest difference between this Ancient plant based formula & all those other powerful antibiotics out there is that:

  • This formula is purely herbal & made of natural extract and
  • This formula treats the root cause of the problem & banishes it from your body system for life (except you have sexual intercourse with an infected person again)

“Once you complete the herbal treatment, you will not fall into any relapse of the infection recurring anymore!”… that was what my consultant friend told me that day at her office

I quickly begged her to help me get the same capsule so I and my husband could use it as well to get rid of infections before it became something else. She agreed and after a few days, we sent payment to her & she sent it to me.

I wanted to be sure the capsule did not have any side effects. You can’t blame me tho, because I have bought several drugs that usually give some nasty side effects like headache, stomach pains etc. So, I decided to first give the product to an old-time Pharmacist friend, Charity who worked at a big Pharmacy and Diagnostic centre In Delta State here. 

She analysed the contents of this herbal formula & found out that it was made of 3 powerful purely herbal extracts like


Astragalus is a natural dietary supplement that’s used for various health conditions. According to WebMD (an organisation of practising medical team), Astragalus stimulates the spleen, liver, lungs, circulatory, and urinary system. It’s also used to treat osteoarthritis, asthma, and nervous conditions as well as to lower blood sugar and blood pressure.

The second herbal extract is Neem

Neem (Azadirachta indica) is a tree native to the Indian subcontinent & African continent. The neem (Azadirachta indica) is a medicinal plant which has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antimalarial activities.


According to Amitava Mukherjee (A Medical Researcher from VIT University, India) neem extract was found to be effective against the UTI causing bacteria K.pneumoniae by altering the morphology of the bacteria in vitro. He goes on to say that the neem nanoemulsion can be used as an effective antibacterial agent

Lastly, The Pau D’Arco etc and definitely did not have side effects.

Pau d’arco (Tabebuia avellanedae) is native to South America, where it has been used to treat a wide range of conditions, possessing medicinal antibacterial and antifungal properties necessary for boosting the human body’s immune system.

Based on the scientific study, it was also gathered that…

When Astragalus, Neem & Pau d’arco are blended together with other plants like…. Red Raspberry Leaf, Chaste Berry, Ashwagandha, Red Clover, Ginkgo Biloba and Motherwort in the form of herbal extract, it helps to:

After she was done explaining to me and listing the benefits of the contents in this herbal formular, I was charged up to start using it

And The Herbal Combination Changed My Story…

Immediately, my husband and I started taking them… Soon, after 14 days of using it, we were surprised at the results… 


The brown discharge I usually get before stopped, my menstruation came and the blood was very pure and red. No more itching sensation on my private part again. 


Fast forward to about 3 weeks later, my husband wakes up getting morning erections without feeling any pain at all. The major difference was that he no longer felt any burning sensation or pain when urinating. Our urine became much clearer, no more wormlike movement in the entire body. 


The internal heating also stopped. We decided to finish the entire product (2 bottles each for myself & my husband) before we went to the hospital for another test. 


When the results came out… we were so happy & grateful to God – My Husband and I tested negative to Staphylococcus and every other infection. 


Just to confirm, after a few weeks, we went to another Diagnostic Medical Centre for the same test, and the results


were still negative. We were still scared that it may return so we went in for another test but the results came back NEGATIVE again…

This Encouraged Me to Buy More of This Herbal Formula

This time, we decided to give the same remedy to our inner circle of friends and colleagues that have similar issues of Staph infection, STD or urinary tract infections that had confided in us about such matters…


Guess what… They didn’t say much after the first 2 weeks – After the 3rd Week, We started getting calls, whatsapp messages saying that, it flushed out all the infection that antibiotic could not remove for them And the best part of all is that they never felt even a slight headache when using it (no side effects at all)

Today I Have Successfully Flushed Out Every Long Standing Infection In Myself & My Husband… You Can Too

Right now, I know you are itching for this Solution…. But before that…


I know and understand how painful it can be as a couple who’s battling with infection


I know what it means to try to wake up in the morning to irritating milkish vaginal discharge


I know what it means to not be able to take in due to infection


I know what it means for couples to be trying so hard to conceive but infection keeps making it hard


And if you’re reading this, I am sure you also want to have your body free from the troubles of bacterial & fungal infections


Your testimony will be next if you take what I am going to share with you seriously


This is NOT a hype or one of those fake promises you have been told in the past


What I am about to show you has not only helped me flush out stubborn Infections & given me & my husband another chance to making babies without unnecessary pains but has also helped over 400+ Nigerians flush out other stubborn infections like candidiasis, chlamydia, herpes etc

See Some Of Their Amazing Testimonies Below:

I can guarantee you that this is the last bus-stop for any stubborn infection that has been returning after every treatment in your life… and I can promise you that in the next 2 – 3 months, you will start seeing amazing changes in your body


So here we go…


Allow me to introduce you to the Ancient Indian Plant-Based Formula that has changed lives of over 400 Nigerians & counting…

Viral Cleanse TerminatorTM  is a guaranteed natural and herbal formula to flush out all viral, bacterial & fungal infections effectively

I have personally experienced the powerful effect of this formula

So have over 400 Nigerians too

Viral Cleanse Terminator  is made up of the original herbal extract blend of Neem,Pau D’Arco  and Astragalus herbs which are the three dominant herbs used in formulating this formula

Other amazing herbs that were finely extracted & blended together by professional herbal experts with Astragalus, Neem & Pau D’ Arco to give the best results are:

Red Raspberry Leaf, Chaste Berry, Ashwagandha, Red Clover, Ginkgo Biloba and Motherwort

If you religiously take this medication two times a day (morning and evening), for at least 2 – 3 months, you will be completely free from stubborn bacterial, fungal or viral infection

Those who patiently followed the dosage religiously were able to get results. And so will you too – if you do the same.

“What Results Will You Experience From Using The Viral Cleanse Terminator™?”

  • Fights against staphylococcus and other UTIs’ infections So you can be free from recurring infections that discomfort you in public 
  • Detoxifies the body so you can completely get rid of the toxins that causes you to fall sick easily
  • Improves Memory so you do not experience the loss of memory usually experienced with some bacterial infections
  • Strengthens immunity so your body can be able to resist any other infection that might want to return
  • Lower blood pressure so you can avoid the risk of developing high blood pressure
  • Improve your natural sexual drive and energy so you can spice things up again in the other room
  • It will treat irregular menstruation and kill all infections in the uterus and you will have a healthy vagina as a woman. It also produces beneficial action in post menopausal women
  • It will treat the infertility in both men & women so you can be able to increase your sperm count (as a man) & also boost your chances of getting pregnant (as a woman)
  • It will improve PMS symptoms such as swellings, skin pigmentation, spots and anaemia
  • Supports a healthy oestrogen level in Men & Women, healthy skin; boosts elasticity & fights wrinkles, & healthy Joints; strengthens connective tissue.

See Some Amazing Testimonials From Other Nigerians Who Have Gotten Results With Viral Cleanse Terminator™

How To Use Viral Cleanse Terminator™ For Effective Results?

Below You Find A Step-By-Step Guide:


  1. Get a cup of water


  1. Open the container & take 1 capsule


  1. Swallow the capsule with water


  1. Repeat this morning & night till dosage is complete


That’s the routine you need to follow daily for at least 2 – 3 months and there will be:

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There is Something About Infections I Want to Point Out to You

You see, one thing I’ve noticed over the years with bacterial, fungal & viral infection is that…

when left untreated, are more than just “annoying mood swings and itchings.” 

They can be indicators that something more serious — rarely, even cancerous — is happening in your body

Not getting infections out of your body system can sometimes lead into kidney damage or some other internal damage 

That is why I advise that you get Viral Cleanse Terminator™ today and start taking 2 times daily so that you can effectively flush out every infection in your body system

Here Is How We Work

Get Your Viral Cleanse Terminator™ Today

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How Much Can You Get Viral Cleanse Terminator™ Today?


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Viral Cleanse Terminator™ Half Monthly Package

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99% of reviewers would recommend this product to a friend!


The fear of taking alternative medicine has been my concern for a long time. I felt convince when I came through this write-up but I was scared because I had taken many earlier and none worked…. Thankful, my husband advised me to give it a shot….. I am now free from staph and it never re-occurred


I had to sample this on a my self before telling my wife to use it. It wasn’t because of the money but I was skeptical about it. I’m glad we’re now infection-free. I had taken tests in three different hospitals, all came back negative. You’ve done wonders in our life

I’ve been on this staph matter since 5 years ago. After taking antibiotics, it would come back after some time. I have kept repeating the process over and over. I do take injections too. Thank God, Staph solution pack worked for me. For months now, I haven’t experienced any infection
Order Now To Claim 45% Off + Free Shipping
Arrives: (Mon, 10 Feb - Wed, 12 Feb)

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